Transition Plans

Bronze Plan

Our Bronze transition service provides participants with the tools and techniques needed to quickly implement a successful job search. Through our one-on-one consulting and our resume assistance program, we provide the employee with the proper tools, mindset, direction and confidence to effectively launch a job search campaign. The program is designed to provide direction and techniques to the employee, therefore, improving their chances for success.

  1. Outplacement services up to 30 days
  2. General Kick-off Group Meeting and Workshop
  3. Introduction to a thought provoking Interview questionnaire designed to get the employee thinking about what they are looking for and what skills and personality strengths they possess.
  4. One-on-one personal interview evaluation sessions with a transition consultant up to 2 hours
  5. All one-on-one interviews will take place at our offices in Chino, CA
  6. Resume assistance individually tailored to the employee.
  7. Access to consultant for questions, instruction or advice for the duration of employee’s outplacement services via phone, email or in person.
  8. Unlimited use of our office and computers for:
    1. Self training on computer software
    2. Internet access and research
    3. Emails and responses
    4. Resume Submissions
    5. Documentation
    6. Resource Databases
    7. Copier
    8. Printer
  9. Access to our self training programs for Microsoft Office.

Silver Plan

Our Silver transition service provides participants with one-on-one consulting designed to help the consultant thoroughly understand the core values and thoughts that will assist in building a strong resume, cover letter, networking approaches and a marketing plan for success. With this plan the participants are provided the tools and techniques needed to quickly implement a successful job search. The program is designed to provide direction and techniques to the employee, therefore, improving their chances for success.

  1. Outplacement services up to 3 months
  2. General Kick-off Group Meeting and Workshop
  3. One-on-one personal interview evaluation sessions with a transition consultant up to 4 hours
  4. All one-on-one interviews will take place at our offices in Chino, CA
  5. Resume and cover letter assistance individually tailored to the employee.
  6. Company and job research (where to look and how to find them specific to the employee needs and desires, based on personal interview).
  7. Access to a list of companies and websites within the employee’s area of interest and job sourcing.
  8. Salary analysis and consulting
  9. Access to consultant for questions, instruction or advice for the duration of employee’s outplacement services via phone, email or in person.
  10. Unlimited use of our office and computers for:
    1. Self training on computer software
    2. Internet access and research
    3. Emails and responses
    4. Resume Submissions
    5. Documentation
    6. Resource Databases
    7. Copier
    8. Printer
  11. Access to our self training programs for Microsoft Office.

Gold Plan

Our Gold transition service provides participants with one-on-one consulting designed to help the consultant thoroughly understand the core values and thoughts that will assist in building a strong resume, cover letter, networking approaches and a marketing plan for success. With this plan the participants are provided the tools and techniques needed to quickly implement a successful job search. The program is designed to provide direction and techniques to the employee, therefore, improving their chances for success.

  1. Outplacement services up to 6, 9 or 12 months
  2. General Kick-off Group Meeting and Workshop
  3. One-on-one personal interview evaluation sessions with a transition consultant up to 6 hours
  4. All one-on-one interviews will take place at our offices in Chino, CA
  5. Resume and cover letter assistance individually tailored to the employee.
  6. Company and job research (where to look and how to find them specific to the employee needs and desires, based on personal interview).
  7. Access to a list of companies and websites within the employee’s area of interest and job sourcing.
  8. Salary research and counseling tailored to employee’s career focus.
  9. Salary negotiations assistance when employee is presented with offer.
  10. Networking tips, techniques and consulting
  11. Mock interviews to prepare displaced employee prior to real interview with prospective employer.
  12. Re-assessment of resume, cover letter and resume postings if employee is not getting the needed job offers within a reasonable time period.
  13. Bi-weekly job leads provided by our own in-house skilled research professionals
  14. Access to consultant for questions, instruction or advice for the duration of employee’s outplacement services via phone, email or in person.
  15. Unlimited use of our office and computers for self training on computer software, Internet access and research, emails, resume submissions, documentation, resource databases, copier and printer.
  16. Access to our self training programs for Microsoft Office.

Platinum Plan

Our Platinum transition service provides participants with a Senior Level Consultant for our one-on-one consulting designed to present the executive in the best professional manner while delivering a strong marketing plan, resume and cover letter. This program was designed to provide a higher level of professionalism, attention details and services to the transition employee executive.

  1. Outplacement services up to 6, 9 or 12 months
  2. One-on-one personal interview sessions with a Sr. Consultant up to 8 hours
  3. All one-on-one interviews will take place at our offices in Chino, CA
  4. Resume and cover letter assistance individually tailored to the employee.
  5. Company and job research (where to look and how to find them specific to the employee needs and desires, based on personal interview).
  6. Access to a list of companies and websites within the employee’s area of interest and job sourcing.
  7. Compensation consulting tailored to executive career focus.
  8. Compensation negotiations assistance when executive is presented with offer.
  9. Networking tips, techniques and consulting
  10. Mock interviews to prepare displaced employee prior to real interview with prospective employer.
  11. Re-assessment of resume, cover letter and resume postings if employee is not getting the needed job offers within a reasonable time period.
  12. Bi-weekly job leads provided by our own in-house skilled research professionals
  13. Identification and information on top retained search and recruiting firms
  14. Information on local organizations and networking events
  15. Professional self image consulting and tips (dress, image, communication style and rapport)
  16. Video taping of private interviews for detailed analysis and feedback (as needed).
  17. Access to consultant for questions, instruction or advice for the duration of employee’s outplacement services via phone, email or in person.
  18. Virtual Executive Office with receptionist and USPS mailbox
  19. Unlimited use of our office and computers for self training on computer software, Internet access and research, emails, resume submissions, documentation, resource databases, copier, printer and fax machines.
  20. Up to 50 copies of paper resumes on high quality paper and USB drive
  21. Access to our self training programs for Microsoft Office.

Executive-Platinum Plan

Our Executive-Platinum transition service is our premier service that provides transition executives with a Senior Level Consultant for multiple one-on-one consulting sessions designed to deliver a strong marketing plan, resume and cover letter and an endless array of services.

  1. Outplacement services – unlimited or until hired.
  2. Extensive one-on-one interview analysis and consulting with a Sr. Consultant cover the entire job search portfolio up to 12 hours
  3. Resume and cover letter writing, individually tailored to the executive.
  4. Administrative assistant services available to executives for all necessary documentation and correspondence.
  5. Company and job research (where to look and how to find them specific to the executive needs and desires).
  6. Access to a list of companies and websites within the executive’s area of interest and career sourcing.
  7. Compensation consulting tailored to executive career focus.
  8. Compensation negotiations assistance when executive is presented with offer.
  9. Networking tips, techniques and consulting
  10. Mock interviews to prepare displaced executive prior to real interview with prospective employer.
  11. Re-assessment of marketing plan, resume, cover letter and postings if executive is not getting the offers within a reasonable time period.
  12. Bi-weekly job leads provided by our own in-house skilled research professionals
  13. Identification and introduction to top retained search and recruiting firms
  14. Introductions and referrals to selected company hiring executives.
  15. Information on local organizations and networking events.
  16. Professional self image consulting and tips (dress, image, communication style and rapport)
  17. Video taping of private interviews for detailed analysis and feedback (as needed).
  18. Access to consultant for questions, instruction or advice for the duration of employee’s outplacement services via phone or in person.
  19. Full time Executive Office Suite with receptionist, phone (nationwide access), internet, printer, copier, fax, USPS mailbox, coffee and water.